Last night was another amazing one meeting great inspiring people at the African People's Advocacy /Women4Africa's annual lecture. There we met alot of great minds doing great things to lift African by their actions and voice as well. Striking was the story/speech from AMREF(Africa Medical and Research Foundation).
Amref's aim is to train 15,000 midwives by 2015 through her stand up for the African mothers campaign. Every year African mothers die needlessly from pregnancy and childbirth. If you are lucky to have a mother or lucky to have your children without these fatal complications, then you may not understand it. But some people are not as lucky and this issue has been a major let down for African families.
Amref have set up a campaign to support the midwives already on ground by encouraging them.
Esther Madudu is a Ugandan Midwife who has done so much for the mothers barely with nothing delivering over 50 babies each month. This time Amref have chosen to nominate Esther for the 2015 Nobel peace prize and need your support
We at C.hub have chosen to support this campaign and urge you to do same too to send out this message from AMREF and to sign the petition.
"It is fantastic news that you share this vision too and I hope that you will spread the word to your friends, family and colleagues. Every single signature is important. Esther Madudu is an inspiring African woman and her nomination, if we manage to secure it, will stand to represent all African midwives who tirelessly work night and day in the toughest conditions keeping mothers alive, delivering babies safely, and keeping families together. Maternal mortality across Africa is the greatest health inequality in the world: it is an outrage that 1 in 39 pregnant women across sub Saharan-Africa die in pregnancy and childbirth. In the UK it is 1 in 4,600".-Samara Hammond (CEO of AMREF)
You can truly make a difference. Support this campaign for Esther Madudu's candidacy for the Nobel Peace Prize 2015 C.Hub supports!!!